Tutorials and Tips
How tos and tips for our notebooks
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Easily add or remove pages!
Gently tug on the upper corner to remove a page. When you're ready, push the paper tabs around the disc to snap it back in!
Punch any page to add it in!
Don't want to handwrite everything in? Punch any sheet of paper to add it in. We've got a tutorial on this right here.
Rearrange pages to fit your needs!
Keep session-related notes close at hand or archive older notes for later.
Tutorials, Tips, & Recommendations
Here are some of our recommendations for discbound notebooks! If you've never used a disbound notebook before there's lots of interesting tidbits that can help you make the most out of your notebook.
(We may include Amazon Affiliate links below. That means if you click on the link and make a purchase we may recieve a small commission. We only recommend products that we ourselves have used.)
- There are bigger discs out there. If you write a lot, or buy a lot of refills, we recommend investing in bigger discs! The discs that come with notebooks made in our shop are 1 inch discs. We also offer 2 inch discs (find those here). But there are also 3 in discs available online (Here's an Amazon Link, but you can find them at craft stores too)! We recommend this only for archiving as using a 3 inch disc notebook is rather cumbersome in our experience.
- Our Most Used Punch: Levenger. This punch can handle 8-12 pages. It's overkill for most people, but we do use this one the most. We also replace this one the most, about every 6 months. But we punch more pages than most people do. You can find this at craft stores or on Amazon: https://amzn.to/48lVy6k)
- Another Good Punch: Arc. This one is a staples brand punch. It can handle 1-3 pages. We typically use this for covers and we had one that last for FIVE years. You can get it at Staples or on Amazon: https://amzn.to/3NDOQiC
- A Cheaper and Just As Nice Punch: Craftelier. This is an off-brand punch that Kylie uses at home. It can only handle thin sheets of papper, but is perfect for printing and punching single sheets. Plus it's typically half the price of other punches. Get it on Amazon here: https://amzn.to/4eUZ5ey
Comparing Punches Video
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