Assembling Your Notebook
How to put your notebook together, add pages and more!
Swapping Back Covers from Plastic to Chipboard!
PLEASE NOTE as of Oct 1st 2023, we've begun transitioning to chipboard back covers. That makes the plastic back cover a little redundant. To save on materials, we've begun excluding it. Not all notebooks have made the tranisition but the plan is update them all as we move through stock. Therefore the video below is a tad dated. But the process is still the same!
Watch this video!
Here's list of steps if you don't want to watch the video!
How to Assemble Your Notebook
Ensure You Received All the Pieces
Remove your notebook and discs from your packaging! All pages should be in the correct order, with the two plastic covers in the back and the 8 discs in a separate bag.
If you're missing anything, please contact us!
Place the Plastic Covers Back To Back
Place the plastic covers back to back and insert the black discs into each mushroom shaped hole. Typically the smooth side of the plastic covers should face outward.
Pop the Rest of the Pages In a Few at a Time!
Push down on either side of the mushroom hole for the best traction. Don't worry if the first section causes the discs to fall out. The more pages you have in the notebook, the sturdier your notebook will be!
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